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Gabriela Sabatini, en un estado como nunca antes la habíamos visto: en bikini mientras tomaba el sol del Mediterráneo.



The first time we ever saw Gabriela Sabatini, she was wearing a bikini and basking in the sun of the Mediterranean.


Dueña de una figura torneada en horas de entrenamiento and bici – el ciclismo is su new gran pasión –, la best tenista argentina de todos los tiempos disfruta with amigos del verano europeo: paseos en barco por el Mediterráneo, snorkelling, sitting in the sun, and unwinding.

As soon as Gabriela Sabatini decided to retire from professional tennis in 1996, she made the decision to live a life free of the first three plans and the show off. In spite of the fact that they maintain their prestige and charisma, which they respect and desire in every direction, they take pleasure in the pleasures that are associated with the low profile. These include travelling without the pressure that is imposed by the competition, letting themselves be tempted by the café of a bar that has a cult following (a rubro that is being explored and that has a great deal of enthusiasm), and walking through a city as a tourist more than anything else. Gabriela, who ascended to the third spot in the rankings of the Women’s Tennis Association (WTA), resides in the region between Suiza and Miami. She takes advantage of her extended stays in Europe to pursue the two activities that she is most passionate about: cycling (in the Alps, she discovered the ideal place to exercise) and sailing under the sun of the Mediterranean (in the previous year, she shared a sailing tour with her sisters, Oriana and Tiziana Sabatini). During this particular occasion, their destination was the islands of Baleares, where they arrived accompanied by Luján Grisolía, their inseparable companion, eager to treat themselves to a number of days of beach time, sun time, and boat rides with their friends. Y apenas se asomó in la cubierta del crucero Lumi, enfundada en un bikini, Gaby causó sensación con su cuerpazo escultural.

Between the ages of 49 and 49, the physical appearance of a professional athlete and his historical background are preserved in their entirety. As a result of vacations spent on the Baleares Islands, the sport of surfing and paddleboarding became a favourite pastime.

Following the completion of her snorkelling and nadar activities, Gaby decided to make her debut on a paddle board and surprised her friends with an outstanding performance.

Siempre beautiful and bronceada throughout the year, she maintains the same healthy lifestyle that she had when she played tennis: she does not smoke, she does not drink alcohol, and she eats very healthily.

Joining forces with his loyal companion Luján Grisolía while basking in the sun of Mallorca.

Gabriela, who had already won 27 titles in singles and 14 titles in doubles, became the captain of her own destiny when she was 26 years old, when she left the professional circuit.

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