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Conmoción por lo que pasó con Oriana Sabatini y Gaby Sabatini: “Se pudrió todo” En medio de la cuenta regresiva para el casamiento de Oriana con Dybala, se supo una grave interna familiar contra Gabriela Sabatini.



This weekend will mark Oriana Sabatini and Paulo Dybala’s eagerly anticipated wedding, and many figures in the sports world are expected to attend. However, the singer’s tía, Gabriela Sabatini, will not be attending the wedding, as they revealed on “LAM” (El Trece).

In this way, the tenista’s absence led to a number of rumours about her relationship with her family. Verified that it does not. Nobody talks too deeply, but everything is quite rare in that titubeo, Yanina Latorre assured about Gabriela Sabatini’s absence from the wedding on July 20.Furthermore, he added that Oriana Sabatini, the daughter of Catherine Fulop and Ova Sabatini, finds herself in an uncomfortable situation because of her positive relationship with her tía Gaby. “La víctima es Oriana, la pobrecita, debido a que vive cercana a la tía. Sabatini, a group from Argentina, has been against Gaby’s couple for a thousand years because, it seems, they think Gaby is against them, the speaker said.

Luego, explicó que surgieron diversos desacuerdos en cuanto a los recuerdos y reliquias familiares, eso que habría causado un incremento en el conflicto después de la muerte de Gaby y Ova. “En su entorno, me informó que comenzó a molestar cómo pagaba todo, y cuando la mamá murió, fue al departamento para ver qué se hacía con los recuerdos, no encontró las cosas, ahí se pudrió todo.”

Furthermore, Latorre mentioned that Gaby Sabatini’s friends oppose Cathy and Ova, Oriana’s parents, being married. “Gaby’s friends do not want to be with the Cathy/Ova clan. Nothing was disclosed by the organisation Claudia Villafañe, which is bound by an absolute confidentiality contract.


“¿Sabés como se enteran que Gaby no va al casamiento?” fue la conclusión del vínculo. The wedding coordinator called her and told her not to come. Here we have the family dialogue. It’s Cathy and Ova’s opinion that something happened with Gaby.


Surprising what happened to Oriana Sabatini the day of her wedding: “Santurrona”

Oriana Sabatini is about to make her move on Paulo Dybala after several years of courtship. However, just after making the big move, she spearheaded an odd success that caused her to become viral on social media.


The big event is scheduled for July 20. Although there is a lot of mystery surrounding the celebration, the well-known singer and model has already had other singles’ events planned around the globe. Without further ado, Sabatini had a new party this past weekend that was planned by his friends. His mother, Catherine Fulop, shared the details on her social media accounts.


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